We have a China-Appointed Attesting Officer. Documents Attestation for Use in the PRC

We have a China-Appointed Attesting Officer. Documents Attestation for Use in the PRC

We have a China-Appointed Attesting Officer.

China-Appointed Attesting Officers are qualified Hong Kong lawyers. They are appointed by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China to deal with matters etc in Hong Kong for use in Mainland China.

Summary of Functions and Duties:

  • Scope of business: attesting and certifying acts, matters and documents of legal significance occurring in or emanating from Hong Kong and such attested documents are for use in Mainland China. 
  • To be legally valid and protected by the laws of the PRC, attested documents issued by Attesting Officers for use in Mainland China must be sent to the “China Legal Services (H.K.) Limited” for “Sealing and Transfer Delivery”.
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